Join us on Saturday, May 24 from 8am to 10:30 am as the CORONA Chamber Foundation presents its annual Memorial Mile March – this free event is designed to pay tribute to all fallen military – over the years, people have walked to honor a veteran or remember a loved one. We will begin at the CORONA Chamber corporate offices – 904 E. 6th St. in Corona, CA 92879
Registration check in begins at 8am, and the walk at 9am. We will have a short ceremony at 8:45am honoring our Grand Marshal, Don Kindred.
American flags will be provided, each with the name of a deceased soldier that gave their life. Most are from Corona: starting with World War I, WWII, and through current. We will also have blank placards for people to make a name plate for their loved ones.
As we finish the ‘walk’ at the Historic Civic Center, (815 West 6th, Corona 92882) each American Flag will be placed into the designated grounds, in the shape of USA. Immediately following the placement, Don Kindred will be addressing the audience along with a special tribute to all men and women who have sacrificed their lives protecting our freedoms.
There is no fee to join us, and donations are always welcomed.
We encourage company, families, churches, and organizations to bring groups of walkers. Wearing patriotic colors of red, white, and blue are encouraged.
We do ask no campaign shirts or signage, be worn, as we want to have this as dignified and respectful for the ones we are remembering, and we’re walking for.